We’ve all said it countless times.
“I’ll start tomorrow”
“I’ll start Monday”
“I’ll start after this vacation”
“I’ll start after I get through this stressful period of work”
“I’ll start after I get through these first months of parenting”
Whether it’s starting a health journey or getting back on track after a slip-up, phrases like this are what our subconscious uses to make us feel better about delaying getting our shit together.
And that brief moment of pleasure we get when we give ourselves temporary permission to continue on our health-destroying warpath under the impression that there will be an easier or more convenient time in the future for you to get that shit together is what so often makes it impossible to get started on our health journey in the first place.
The question one should ask is, “if not now, then when?” If you don’t decide in this moment to make that next meal a healthy meal, to finally not hit the snooze on going to the gym, to walk by that tray of doughnuts that co-worker of yours insists on bringing into the office every Friday, then when will you?
It’s easy to procrastinate on our health and tell ourselves that we’ll get around to it eventually. It’s much harder to tell ourself enough is enough and it is time right now to take control of our health once and for all. But doing the hard thing is what is required if we really want to make lasting, meaningful change in our lives.
Whether it’s eating better, exercising more, quitting smoking, cutting out the drinking, focusing on better sleep, or being more mindful of your interactions. The time to start is right now. The sooner you understand this, the sooner there will be a future you to look back on this moment and be proud.
You’ll also need to ask yourself, “if not me, than who?” No one is going to do it for you. It’s a decision that you and only you can make. It’s a decision that you will be required to make over and over again. Sometimes when it’s hard, other times when it’s easy. But you have to start eventually so if not now, then when?
Thanks for reading,
Chris Irvin
P.S. Perfect Keto has already launched their Memorial Day sale where you can save up to 40% off. If I were you, I’d stock up on their electrolytes, Beauty Sleep, and Keto Bars!